Monday, May 13, 2013

Moving stuff from one blog to another

Some Clarity and Conviction...

Despite my the fact that my academic credentials (undergrad & graduate) are overwhelmingly focused on American history, politics, constitutionalism and political theory, I have refrained from being overly verbose on matters of a political nature...especially if it concerned the two great tragedies in American political history...Bill Clinton and Barak Obama. I have reevaluated my prior restraint. While I loathe any engagement with mindless partisans who lack even the most basic understanding of American polity, I am becoming increasingly aware that if I am unwilling to stand up for what I believe in, then I shouldn't bother. The things that have come rushing out of me recently are a result of my firm conviction in the genius of the American republic, and my deep loathing of those who seek to destroy it for their own narrow political ends. I'm not saying I'm going to challenge every Tom, Dick and Harry that I encounter on the opposite end of the political spectrum. There are few things more enjoyable than an earnest discussion with someone of differing political beliefs. It keeps us honest and foster that most elusive political commodity-compromise. We seem to be waaayyyyyy past that. Those who believe not what I believe are not my countrymen, but my enemies...a sin committed by every corner of American political life. I will not stoop to that level. What I am saying is the....believe what you will...this is a free country. But, if you feel the need to (whether by accident or design) malign or impugn the principles on which this country was founded, call those who had the stones to make this nation great "dead white men" or deny that this is one nation, under God...then you may be asked to expatiate your position. As I have said before, never forget that this nation was founded on two principles: equality and freedom-two ideas that cannot logically coexist. If you can't grasp that without pulling out a slide rule, keep your mouth shut.

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